Movimento Prosseguir
In order to avoid school evasion we created using a very popular medium among the students to show that everything people like doing outside school is also present inside the classroom.
With the concept: "The school is present in everything, including what you like most" we use the rap and grafitti art-form to connect with the teenagers and spread the word: stay in school.

composed by
Max B.O.
composed by
Max B.O.

Single covers

Social Media

Agency: Full Jazz
Creative directors: Igor Ota, Marcelo Fróes
Copywriter: João Paulo Costa Coelho
Art director: Rafael Pietragalla
Illustrator: Fábio Vale, Rafael Pietragalla
Creative directors: Igor Ota, Marcelo Fróes
Copywriter: João Paulo Costa Coelho
Art director: Rafael Pietragalla
Illustrator: Fábio Vale, Rafael Pietragalla