I believe in ideas.
Doesn't matter where or how it's presented.
Whether it's on the TV, on a illustration, on a website or on social media.
The important thing is creating beautiful work to show beautiful ideas.
And that's what I tried to put together here: a brief overview of a few ideas
that I made, with the help of a lot of talented people, as an Art Director.
You can know me better here or to know my work as illustrator here.
Hope you like it. ;)
Doesn't matter where or how it's presented.
Whether it's on the TV, on a illustration, on a website or on social media.
The important thing is creating beautiful work to show beautiful ideas.
And that's what I tried to put together here: a brief overview of a few ideas
that I made, with the help of a lot of talented people, as an Art Director.
You can know me better here or to know my work as illustrator here.
Hope you like it. ;)
01. Bye bye, Straws
Within the years, Coca-Cola has been one of the brands that most contributed to make plastic straws as popular as they are now. Now, that we now the harm that plastic waste represent, something has to be done.

It all began with a simple action: the most liked Instagram photo of the time (back in 2018) was an ad of Selena Gomez, drinking coke. With a straw. After another photo of have become the most liked-photo, we recreated the exactly same post, but without the straw.

After that we started a campaign, recreating old Coca-colas ads, without the straws.

02. Eternal Pages
How can Leya, a book publishing brand, encourage reading and help preserving the nature? We combined the longevity of plastic with the contents that should last forever: the biggest classics of literature.
By collecting the plastic wastes from rivers and oceans, we created books made 100% of plastic which contained the most famous histories ever written.

03. Movimento Prosseguir
In order to avoid school evasion we created using a very popular medium among the students to show that everything people like doing outside school is also present inside the classroom.
With the concept: "The school is present in everything, including what you like most" we use the rap and grafitti art-form to connect with the teenagers and spread the word: stay in school.

Diretor de Criação: Igor Ota, Marcelo Fróes | Redator: João Paulo Costa Coelho | Ilustrador: Fábio Vale

04. 50g Yoki Popcorn
Regular microwave popcorns (100g) have a very common problem: as they don't fit properly in some smaller microwave, the package does not rotates 360º and most of the popcorn stay uncooked. By this reason, Yoki have create a solution that is easier than buying a bigger microwave: smaller popcorn packages that fits both your microwave and your hungry.

05. "De Férias com o Ex" Reality show

06. Americanas.com Disney partnership
In 2020, Americanas.com created small movies to be displayed in grand theater premieres of the recent Disney Movies. We captured the essence of movies like Spider-man, Toy Story 4 and Lion King and made small content to convert people to buy movie-related products at Americanas.com.

07. Automatic braking
In order to show the Equinox 2020 automatic braking system, we created an printed ad that you can actually play.
The person can control the Equinox, driving through a dark street, using a magnetic pick and when the player eventually stumble on something that he is not supposed to run through, another magnet will automatically deflect the pick, stopping the vehicle.

08. Mastercard & Brazil
Brazilian's Football National Team Sponsor
Mastercard was not allowed to speak about the 2018 Football World Cup, but that couldn't stop us from showing to our national team.
Using Brazilian's athletes and National Team, which is sponsored by Mastercard, we created a serie of Billboard supporting our team in a simple, but effective, way that does not even need a logo to work.

9. Habib's Always on
Everyone in Brazil knows how loved Habib's is as a brand.
What people seem to know exactly is why.
What people seem to know exactly is why.
Is it for it's unique flavor? Is it for the environment?
Is it for the it's fast delivery service?
Is it for the it's fast delivery service?
Habib's #Inexplicable
That's why we created a campaign to make fun of this fact and raise awareness for the brand using the social media favorite aesthetic to try to begin to explain this for everyone.

After all the fun, it's now time to time to get a little more serious and finally solve the mystery of why is it Habib's so great.
The real reason is because:
Habib's #IsForEveryone
Habib's #IsForEveryone

Diretor de Criação: Rodrigo Campos | Diretor de conteúdo: Gustavo Ricci | Redator : Vini Lima | Ilustração Jaime Maia
How do you like it? If you have any doubts, suggestion or anything,
please leave a message at:
rafa.pietragalla@gmail.com or +55 11 97168-9904
please leave a message at:
rafa.pietragalla@gmail.com or +55 11 97168-9904